Over the next couple of days, I was lucky enough to spend time with many of my favorite people:

Freshman year college roomies reunited (and with babies - cutest babies ever by the way, not that I'm biased - wow!) It was such a special treat to be all together again!

My cute family, who I was hoping to surprise, but had to settle for a run of the mill "Come to Boston, please, I'm here!" reveal.

Chris' parents, brothers and their girlfriends:

and Chris' friends of whom I have no pictures...
It was a really fun trip. It made us realize just how much we missed home and made us think that we really were ready to go back, despite Chris spending so much time at job interviews during the two weeks, until...The morning after our big get together with our friends, Chris decided he should really just go on one last interview. Would be rude to cancel, and all that...And he ended up really liking the school, the director, the principal, the location and the job. SO...After a couple of hours of speedy internet research and lots of talking, we decided that next year we are....Singapore bound! After more internet and book research, and alot of talking to friends who know, we are even more excited for this next phase. I'm excited because Singapore has: Chinese, Indian, Thai, Malaysian, Japanese food all over the place, is close to Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, etc. etc. and is equatorial, which means warm weather year round. I'm also excited because, while Chris beat me, by a long shot, in the visitor department this year, Singapore is close to so many amazing travel destinations that I think I'll be able to put up a good fight for the title next year...My calendar is open and waiting!
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